Thursday, June 23, 2016

Trying to make myself read...

First off, I swear I'm not getting paid to post back to back from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard.  But I'm constantly trying to force myself to read in my down time.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  But after seeing constant posts about The Kindergarten Smorgasboard's and Kindergarten Choas's book study on Mindset by Carol Dweck, I'm forcing myself on the bandwagon.  I have 3 chapters to catch up on.  Check out their recent blog post on Chapter 3 here.  There's also Facebook Live discussions and Periscopes done weekly on each chapter.

My husband and I leave for vacation tomorrow, so I can't wait to be a horrible passenger, ignore him the whole drive and read my new book!  haha They even have it on Audible, if you're into listening to books on tape.  They have a 30 day trial I might take advantage of this Summer.  

1 comment:

  1. If we are going to talk about murals, it is a harsh reality that there are people who do not appreciate artworks like this. I fell bad, but there is less that I can do; I want them to realize that murals are beautiful and worth appreciating. But I simply don't know where to start. Sometimes, I think of writing as my way to influence people to appraiser things that should be appreciated. I don't know if that is do my assignment for me going to be effective, but I want to give it a try.


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